Legacy gifts

Leave a gift in your will
We know your loved ones may come first but a gift in your will to the Sir Simon Milton Foundation will have a long term benefit for those we help.

By making a will and keeping it up to date you can ensure that you leave the legacy you want to. If you have not yet made a will then it is important to speak first to an expert to ensure your wishes are clear and no confusion or upset arises. We always recommend you contact a solicitor or a member of the Law Society of England and Wales or the Law Society of Scotland.

If you have made a will and want to make some simple changes, such as including a charitable gift to the Sir Simon Milton Foundation then you can complete a codicil form as a supplement.

What types of legacy gifts can you leave?
A legacy gift can take one of three forms, depending on what is right for you. It can be a residuary, pecuniary or specific legacy. A residuary legacy is the whole or a percentage share of what is left of someone’s estate after all debts, expenses and pecuniary and specific legacies have been paid. A pecuniary legacy is a fixed sum of money. A specific gift could be anything: from a painting to a property. It could even be a gift from a portfolio of stocks and shares.

What to do next
If you are interested in leaving a gift to the Foundation in your will, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We know that your will is personal, but setting up a legacy is straightforward, and we are here to answer any questions you may have. All enquiries will be treated with the utmost sensitivity.