Education and Training in Westminster
The Foundation funds two bursary schemes in Westminster to support students from disadvantaged backgrounds:
Sir Simon Milton Ada Bursaries

Ada, the National College for Digital Skills, is a 6th Form and Apprentice College which is moving to Pimlico, Victoria in September 2023. The college has a strong emphasis on social mobility for under-represented groups in the digital world. Their mission is to educate and empower the next generation of diverse digital talent.
The digital industry is experiencing epic growth but there is a talent shortage. Ada want to remove the glass ceiling for women and individuals from low-income backgrounds in the tech industry. Everyone, from any background, is entitled to a quality education and a better future.
In 2022 the Foundation agreed a three year Sir Simon Milton bursary scheme to support up to 40 Sixth Form students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds. In addition, the bursaries will support other requests for exceptional circumstances, such as offering an enriching extra-curricular trip benefitting up to 75 pupils.
Sir Simon Milton Care Leaver Bursaries
The University of Westminster has a long-held commitment to widening access to those from under-represented groups.
Students from care backgrounds often face greater financial and emotional pressures without the family support networks that other students have. These students often work longer hours to support their living expenses, giving them less time to study and do well, and this adversely affects their mental health and wellbeing.
Over the next three years we have agreed to support the University of Westminster with Sir Simon Milton Care Leaver Bursaries. The Bursary is awarded to five Westminster-based Care Leavers. The purpose of the bursaries is to support these students in their final year and for their transition into employment.