Sir Simon Milton Westminster UTC is 'Topped Out'!

On Wednesday 29th March 2017 LinkCity (Bouygues UK), the developers of the Sir Simon Milton Westminster University Technical College, hosted a Topping Out ceremony in the sports hall of the UTC. Invitations to this event were highly sought after to be able to witness this fabulous new, start-of-the-art school in Pimlico arise from the ground. It was a seminal moment to see an idea from one of our Trustees, Christabel Flight, that germinated only a few years ago made real and foretells an exciting year ahead when the College opens in September 2017.

Representatives were present from Westminster City Council, our founding partners, the University of Westminster and Network Rail, our Employers' Alliance, including Land Securities, Sir Robert McAlpine, Transport for London and Alstom. Speeches were made by LinkCity, Cllr Nickie Aiken, Leader of Westminster City Council, Karen Barker, Principal of the UTC, and Robert Davis on behalf of the Sir Simon Milton Foundation. Ceremonial trowels were handed over and we were treated to a big advantage of having a French developer, delicious food!